Welcome to ArtyMargarita website!

Few words about me: I create art all my life; I love brightness of the colors and cannot resist them.

I have tried so many different techniques: everything from painting with acrylics and oil, artworks made from paper and beads, handmade earrings, painting on glass, to decorating cookies and cakes.

Mixing different techniques fascinates me.

I believe that art is a practical thing that has to have a meaning. Creating such art as a present to somebody is a beautiful concept that I would like to focus on in my artistic carrier.

For years I have been given a lot of my artworks as the presents to friends and their families. And every time this brings joy and meaning for both my process of creation and for the person that receives the present.

It has been a long way for me to making this website. It is not only about having a technique or unique style, it is about the confidence that I can be that artist I have always dreamt to be which would not be possible without the support from people that surround me.

So today I am happy to present this website with my artworks under the brand ArtyMargarita and all the possibilities that lie in the ability to create unique customized artworks specially for you!

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